Homework 0 serves a dual purpose: (1) to get to know you and (2) to get you thinking about your prior knowledge and experiences in mathematics. Admittedly, there is no heavy mathematics in this assignment, but students are expected to provide thoughtful answers on this homework, as questions on this assignment will reappear on the final take-home quiz/reflection for students to compare and re-evaluate. Homework 0 is assigned on the first day of class and is due Friday, January 10 at 11:50pm to Canvas. Should students join the class later than the first week, this assignment can be turned in late. This assignment is worth 10 points, and grades will be based on thoughtful completion of the assignment.
As a means both to discuss areas in need of improvement and to develop positive growth mindset in mathematics, I will require that you complete quiz reflections. These will be brief questionares, much like the reflections on the homework, that students can take directly in Canvas. Reflections are due at 11:59pm the day of the quiz. Thoughtful completion of the quiz reflection earns 5 points.
Usubstitution Homework Master Math Mentor
That depends on what you define as hard. If you mean the material is abstract and requires a great deal of mental energy to master then, yes, this class is difficult. The material requires your attention and a certain amount of dedication. It also depends on your background in mathematics. However, with solid algebra skills, proper studying, and effort you will do well. That's all there is to it. 2ff7e9595c