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I really enjoyed this film. It's a dark, realistic and sad film thatmade me cry several times. When will it finally come out? I especiallylove the performance given by Chad Lindberg who in my opinion should bea star! He makes you love his character, and brings you to tears. Asfor the look and feel of the film. It is a very moody, sad movie thatputs you in a mood and doesn't want to let you go. Overall I wouldsuggest watching it and letting the story sink in. It's a great drama!It reminds me of growing up and all the pressures put on people who arejust trying to do the right thing, but are constantly pounded down bythe decisions they make and others make for them. The score is also avery moody, nice sound that matches the constant rain pounding down onthe actors. Wow! Check this film out!

The acting and plot are so terrible, the film becomes a self parody. There is little of value here. The story meanders along with no destination or underlying messages; it seems as though it wants to be a film in the genre of True Romance or Trainspotting; ug, even mentioning those two films in conjunction with Punk Love seems insulting.My girlfriend and i watched it as one watches a terrible C- monster movie. By the time the film was near the end, we were literally rooting for terrible things to happen to the main characters because we came to dislike them so much. Keep in mind, we live in punk-friendly Philadelphia, so we might have otherwise been a prime audience for this little number.

Download Punk In Love 720p Film

I was at my local independent video store and was browsing through their computer. For some reason, I remembered a little indie film on myspace that caught my attention and typed it in. Sure enough, it was on hand. I rented it, walked home and popped it into my DVD player.The story of this film concerns a pair of heroin addicted lovers named Spike and Sarah. Spike is a struggling musician who speaks in a slurred manner throughout the movie, and makes me think that he is handicapped rather than an addict. Sarah is a fifteen year old with a traumatic past that involves molestation by her stepfather. Naturally, Spike is pursued by the police, one of the officers being Sarah's uncle, for statutory rape, but the audience is supposed to sympathize for him, being that he is separated from his true love. Yeah, don't see how that is going to work.Watching "Punk Love" feels like watching a bad film school student film. Nick Lyon intended to make a modern day Romeo and Juliet, but fails in every aspect. It meanders from one indie film cliche to the next (shot in blue, rape scene, lots of rain, weak symbolism etc.) that you can create a drinking game based on this movie. The first ten minutes of this movie have the couple laying in bed, doing heroin, snow falling over them and Spike mumbling something about Angels and Dragons.The one star for this movie is for Emma Bing, who is not a bad actress, the only real likable character in the film, and dare I say, kind of cute. I hope she finds some better work.

Being a big fan of P.T. Anderson's work since I saw `Boogie Nights' (about 3 times in one week at the theater) years ago, I anxiously awaited the release of his latest film. Then I heard it starred Adam Sandler, who is one of my least favorite actors of all time, but even then I figured that if anyone is going to make me not want to start throwing things at Sandler's image, it would be Anderson. After all, he got me to respect Tom Cruise after seeing `Magnolia'. When I finally got to see the film this past weekend (after wanting to see the film for about a year) I wasn't disappointed, and I found that my trust was not misplaced. Anderson took Sandler and turned him into a sad sack who is so psychologically screwed up he would be an analyst's dream. Emily Watson is his perfect counterpart as a classy yet extremely quirky love interest. The content is pure P.T. Anderson. There are issues that are brought up that are completely bizarre and unexplained, and there are themes that are culled from real-life stories or incidents. Stylistically, it's a slight departure in that it isn't quite as flashy or `slick' as his last two films, but the bright primary colors that pervade the cinematography are absolutely beautiful. And instead of the steady 70's and 80's soundtrack that he usually utilizes, he kept it more simple this time, and just as inspired with the continuous running of `He Needs Me' from the `Popeye' soundtrack. That touch was not only fitting, but also simply brilliant. I love the work of P.T. Anderson, and was absolutely charmed and endeared to this film. Just like `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' isn't going to make me watch a Jim Carrey comedy, I'm still going to avoid Adam Sandler comedies like the plague, but I have to say that I respect him for his work in this film. This is the kind of romance film I like, and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't settle for the kind of romantic comedy/dramas that are churned out now by Hollywood.--Shelly

"Punch-Drunk Love" is NOT a movie that most Adam Sandler fans can relate to because it's really not a comedy. However, unlike "Reign Over Me" (which was fantastic), this film does not have a traditional narrative. In many ways, it's like a hunk out of someone's life--both good, bad and mundane. It's really a film for particular people with particular tastes. After having seen it, I am not exactly sure WHAT I thought of the film or whether I'd recommend it or not.Adam Sandler plays a man who seems depressed and quite lonely. Instead of being a traditional character, he's just a guy who exists. Because of this, the movie starts off very slowly...VERY slowly. However, though the course of watching him, you see that beneath his very dull and placid exterior, there is some rage which occasionally pops out...but not often.Out of the blue, he calls a phone sex line. However, he doesn't want the lady to talk dirty to him--he just wants to talk to someone. This later causes VERY serious problems in his life. And, later, out of the blue, he meets a lady (Emily Watson) and they fall in love. How the two (as well as pudding) all fit together is VERY odd and very tenuous.Overall, a film with lots of nice parts and lots of dull parts--much like real life. I liked the film but felt a bit confused by it as well. Odd....truly odd.

I'm probably biased in this because I love the music and style of DaftPunk, so watching this documentary was really interesting, as much ofit covers reaction within a scene and industry that I am not familiarwith at all. So in a way, the focus was not only on their history, butwhat it meant to the music world in general.There's also a surprising amount of footage of them before they donnedthe robot outfits. I was expecting maybe a couple of photos, but youget videos from concerts and similar. They've also seemed to trackdon't the audio interviews they could, which is good for those of uswho don't speak French.That said, they have made some odd choices in what the prioritized. TheTron-soundtrack is barely given any attention at all, and there seemsto be quite a lot of interviews with famous people that offer littlenew about Daft Punk. I'm fine with some of that, but here there wereperhaps a little too much. Also how people they've been with in theircareer are used as headlines for parts of the documentary - I don'treally see the reason for it.As far as I know, this is still the documentary to watch if you likeDaft punk, and it's obvious that they did quite a lot of research forit.



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