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Eden Bradley The Dark Garden Pdf Download

About half-way through my first and only term at Campbell I fell ill andwas taken home. My father, for reasons I do not quite know, had becomedissatisfied with the school. He had also been attracted by accounts ofa preparatory school in the town of Wyvern, though quite unconnectedwith Wyvern College; especially by the convenience that if I went theremy brother and I could still do the journey together. Accordingly I hada blessed six weeks at home, with the Christmas holidays to look forwardto at the end and, after that, a new adventure. In a surviving letter myfather writes to my brother that I think myself lucky but he "fears Ishall be very lonely before the end of the week". It is strange thathaving known me all my life he should have known me so little. Duringthese weeks I slept in his room and was thus freed from solitude duringmost of those dark hours in which alone solitude was dreadful to me. Mybrother being absent, he and I could not lead one another into mischief;there was therefore no friction between my father and myself. I rememberno other time in my life of such untroubled affection; we were famouslysnug together. And in the days, when he was out, I entered with completesatisfaction into a deeper solitude than I had ever known. The emptyhouse, the empty, silent rooms, were like a refreshing bath after thecrowded noise of Campbell. I could read, write, and draw to my heart'scontent. Curiously enough it is at this time, not in earlier childhood,that I chiefly remember delighting in fairy tales. I fell deeply underthe spell of Dwarfs--the old bright-hooded, snowy-bearded dwarfs we hadin those days before Arthur Rackham sublimed, or Walt Disney vulgarised,the earthmen. I visualised them so intensely that I came to the veryfrontiers of hallucination; once, walking in the garden, I was for asecond not quite sure that a little man had not run past me into theshrubbery. I was faintly alarmed, but it was not like my night-fears. Afear that guarded the road to Faerie was one I could face. No one is acoward at all points.

eden bradley the dark garden pdf download


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